shapes of structure



The dichotomy of motion and statics, and their harmonic union in a single image, is one of the fundamental ideas that the architectural photographs in this series are based on: the merging of the current of time with the rigid static of the structures. Another important part of the concept is reduction. Reduction on different levels:

First, the reduction, in terms of image composition, to the elemental forms of the structures and the use of black and white. Beyond this, the largest possible reduction of photography itself, to its simplest optical principles, through the use of a pinhole camera.Further, the search for tranquility in motion. Or better: the interplay between these two opposites.

The camera itself moves during the exposure, while the subject stays motionless. Time has a huge impact on the process of creating the images. Long exposure times create a space of silence and tranquility in an ever more fast-moving environment, while the movement of the camera makes the surfaces and outlines of the structures blur, partially disappear, and dive into the diffuse.   <DE>

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